
The Excel service imports data from spreadsheets to Sphinx-project using Sphinx-Needs and creates Sphinx-Needs objects on the fly during build time.

The implementation is based on the services mechanism of Sphinx-Needs .

The Excel service allows retrieving external data from spreadsheets during documentation build and creates Sphinx-Needs objects based on this data. After the creation of the Sphinx-Needs objects, it supports every function from Sphinx-Needs , which includes Filtering, Linking, Updating and much more.


The following options can be specified under .. needservice:: Excel and related directives.


The location of the spreadsheet file in the documentation directory. This option is required. The file path must be an absolute path that starts with /, based on the conf.py directory.

Also, the accepted spreadsheet file type must have the .xlsx file extension.


A string, which is taken as prefix for the need-id. E.g. EXCEL_IMPORT_ –> EXCEL_IMPORT_005 .


A query string used to filter the data retrieved from the Excel service. The query string must be a valid Python statement.

Example: This Python statement status == 'open' and assignee == 'Randy Duodu' can be used as:

.. needservice:: Excel
   :query: status == 'open' and assignee == 'Randy Duodu'


When you use the query option, the filter in the value must match the column names (such as case sensitivity) in the spreadsheet file. For instance, if column name is STATUS , then use STATUS instead of status in the filter (i.e. STATUS == 'closed' ).


A number indicating the row in the spreadsheet which contains the names for each column. This option is required.
Default value : 1

E.g. if :header_row: 2 then retrieve the column names from row number 2 in our spreadsheet file.


A number which indicates the row to start retrieving data from in the spreadsheet file.
Default value : 2

E.g. if :start_row: 15 then we retrieve the data in our spreadsheet file, starting from row number 15 .


A number which indicates the row to end retrieving data from in the spreadsheet file. This option is required.

E.g. if :end_row: 20 then we retrieve the data in our spreadsheet file, ending at row number 20 .


A number which indicates the column to start retrieving data from in the spreadsheet file.
Default value: 1

E.g. if :start_col: 3 then we retrieve the data in our spreadsheet file, starting from column number 3 .


A number which indicates the column to end retrieving data from in the spreadsheet file. This option is required.

E.g. if :end_col: 20 then we retrieve the data in our spreadsheet file, ending at column number 20 .


You must ensure the numbers for both start_col and end_col will create the range to use in retrieving the appropriate data, that we can use in mapping between column names and Sphinx-Needs object options, as specified in your mapping . For instance, if 'mappings': {"id": ["sid"],} , then the start_col and end_col should create a range which will retrieve data from the spreadsheet file that contains the sid column.


content takes a string, which gets interpreted as rst-code for the need-content area. Jinja support is also available, so that service data is available and can be accessed like {{data.description}} .

Example for the Excel service configuration:

excel_content = """
{% if info in data %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

needs_services = {
'excel_config': {
    # ... some other values
    'content': excel_content

The set options for the needservice are available under options . Example:

my_content = """
Data retrieved from file: {{options.file}}


{% if options.mapping.status == "is_open" %}
{% endif %}


An Excel service configuration must be created inside your conf.py file.


For details about most configuration options, please take a look into the common configuration description .

The following documentation describes specific information for Excel service only.

  • file : The file path to the spreadsheet file to use if the file option is not specified under the .. needservice:: Excel directive.

  • start_row : The row number to start retrieving data from in the spreadsheet file, if the start_row option is not specified under the .. needservice:: Excel directive.

  • end_row : The row number to end retrieving data from in the spreadsheet file, if the end_row option is not specified under the .. needservice:: Excel directive.

  • start_col : The column number to start retrieving data from in the spreadsheet file, if the start_col option is not specified under the .. needservice:: Excel directive.

  • end_col : The column number to end retrieving data from in the spreadsheet file, if the end_col option is not specified under the .. needservice:: Excel directive.

  • mapping : The field names of an Excel service object do not often map to option names of Sphinx-Needs. So mapping defines where a Sphinx-Needs option shall get its value inside the Excel service data.
    mapping must be a dictionary, where the key is the needs object name and the value is either a Jinja string such as is_{{status}} or a list/tuple, which defines the location of the value in the retrieved Excel service data object.


    When you use a Jinja string as value, you must ensure the column names in the spreadsheet file, set as values for the mapping option, does not contain spaces because that will raise a Jinja Template Syntax Error . For example: Instead of the column name being CREATED AT use CREATED_AT .


Inside your conf.py file:

# Manipulates the content of a need
excel_content = """
{% if info in data %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

needs_services = {
    "excel_config": {
        "start_row": 5,
        "end_row": 15,
        "end_col": 7,
        "content": excel_content,
        "id_prefix": "EXCEL_",
        "mappings": {
            "id": ["ID"],
            "type": "spec",
            "title": ["TITLE"],
            "status": ["STATUS"],
        "extra_data": {
            "AssignedTo": ["ASSIGNEE"],
            "CreatedAt": ["CREATED AT"],
            "Updated": ["UPDATED AT"],
    "excel_config_2": {
        "end_col": 9,
        "content": excel_content,
        "id_prefix": "EXCEL_",
        "mappings": {
            "id": ["sid"],
            "type": "impl",
            "title": ["topic"],
            "status": "is_{{status}}",
            "links": ["links"],

Inside any rst file of your Sphinx project:

.. req:: My first requirement
   :id: REQ_1
   :tags: main_example

   A need is a generic object which can become anything you want for your Sphinx documentation:
   a requirement, a test case, a user story, a bug, an employee, a product, or anything else.

.. needservice:: excel_config
   :file: /_static/needs.xlsx
   :prefix: EXCEL_IMPORT_
   :start_row: 5
   :end_row: 10

Show Output

Requirement : My first requirement REQ_1
tags: main_example

A need is a generic object which can become anything you want for your Sphinx documentation: a requirement, a test case, a user story, a bug, an employee, a product, or anything else.